Mauricio Macri compared Senasa to the KGB of the Soviet Union


President Mauricio Macri He attempted to enumerate the achievements of his leadership by making a comparison that has sparked criticism in social networks, questioning the remarks of the head of state.

The President spoke incredibly positively reducing health checks and inspection to reduce treatment time. At that time, he compared the Russian intelligence agency (KGB) with the National Service of Health and Food Quality.

"Before, it seemed that entering the Senasa was worse than entering the KGBMacri said in a lecture that he gave at the end of the day The Field and Policy IV, organized by Coninagro.

"Everything had to go up on the flat, go 100 km to get a paper and then pick it up," said the presidential candidate of Together for Change.

"Of the seven affidavits made by the previous government, we must produce only one," he said.


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