Alberto Fernández: The government and the IMF "generated this crisis" – Telam


The presidential candidate of the Front de Tous (FdT), Alberto Fernández, met Monday with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), after which he accused the government of Mauricio Macri and this multinational organization of having "generated the macroeconomic crisis "and provoke a" social catastrophe "to which" they must put an end and reverse ".

And he worried about the possibility that a large part of the loans granted by the IMF were used "to finance the exit of capital".

The meeting between Fernández and the IMF's emissaries in Argentina – which had initially been tightly managed and for which there was no official photo – took place at the Metropolitan University for Education and Training. work (UMET) and economists Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca and political scientist Santiago Cafiero, professionals of the circle close to the Peronist candidate.

On behalf of the IMF, the staff, Alejandro Werner, director of the Western Hemisphere Fund's department, went to the university's headquarters, in Sarmiento, in 2000 from this capital; Roberto Cardarelli, Chief of Mission in Argentina and Trevor Alleyne, Permanent Representative in the country.

As stated by the FdT in a statement, Fernández agreed with IMF officials the importance of "recovering the growth of the economy, creating jobs to fight poverty, reduce inflation and achieve a trajectory decreasing public debt ". They are part of the government's agreement with the Fund.

However, he stated that "none" of these objectives had been achieved and that "everything has worsened since the conclusion of this agreement", which "results from staff reports", which constitutes "the situation". Argentina's macroeconomic situation has deteriorated considerably ".

"Those who have created this crisis, the government and the IMF, have the responsibility to put an end to the social disaster that is now going through a growing part of the Argentine society and to reverse it. they should arbitrate each of the media and the necessary policies, "said the document.

It was also badured that the overall conditionalities related to the loan "has not generated any expected results" and that to date, more than 80% of the $ 44.5 billion paid by the Multilateral agency – about 36.6 billion USD – They abandoned the financial system as "capital flight from Argentina" and "foreign speculative investment".


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