"It must be as low as possible"


The candidate for the Presidency of the Front of All, Alberto Fernandez, refers to the value of the dollar and states that it should now be "as low as possible" after reaching $ 57.3. Fernandez pointed out that he was no longer in a backward situation, as it was artificially before the STEP to force a good result Macri in the elections.

"We have a delicate situation with the dollar," admitted Fernandez in the interview with Luis Majulfor America. And he recounted an badysis he had made with the governor of Cordoba, Juan Schiaretti, in which, if the value of the currency was calculated according to the way in which it had been realized during convertibility, it should be $ 51.


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"That's pretty good at this price, the dollar should be as low as possible", remarked the opposition candidate.


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