Lavagna also reported a capital flight | The …


The presidential candidate from the federal consensus, Roberto Lavagna, took the stage of Conninagro's annual day shortly after President Mauricio Macri imagined his future as leader of the opposition.
and ask his current opponents to say "what things we agree on." "The agreement with the IMF is actually used to finance the flight of capital," warned Lavagna, coinciding with the candidate of Frente de Todos
Alberto Fernandez

A day after the IMF visit
The former economy minister urged the country to rethink "agreement with the International Monetary Fund as part of a revision of the country's economy," another coincidence with the economic proposals of the front led by Fernández.

Lavagna pointed to the "absolutely extraordinary" concession of the biggest loan in the history of the IMF to a government (that of Mauricio Macri) that did not achieve the set goals. The former minister warned that despite the violation of what had been agreed by the ruling alliance, almost all of the loan had been executed and "used to finance the flight of capital
, the departure of the speculative capitals entered in the first years of this government ".

The federal consensus candidate also expressed his position regarding the agricultural holdbacks before the peasants. "We must stop doing demagoguery and stop saying that there will be no detention as the current government has done," said the former minister, adding: " The Argentine economy is stagnant 8 years ago, it is important to grow and the role of the agricultural sector is fundamental ".

Macri, going through the Conninagro stage, promised again the withdrawal of retentions – which he maintained with fluctuations depending on the economic crisis – as well as more facilities for the sector. Lavagna deferred from the current president and said that currently, withholding taxes are "a crude, impolite and bad tax, which must be converted into a more modern and agile tax".

"This is not enough with the field work, but the integration of this sector must be achieved from the social, political and economic point of view," said the former minister, to whom Alberto Fernández left a open door.
participate in a possible Front Front government.


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