Sica called for "preserving stability" and questioned Fernández's statements – Telam


The Minister of Production, Dante Sica, today called on all political candidates to preserve stability and gave as an example that the statements of the presidential candidate Kirchner Alberto Alberto Fernández against the agreement of the Government with the IMF "cost the country $ US 300 million."

"This is not a period of transition, but the stability of today is not only a commitment of the government, but also of other sectors, a statement made yesterday by Alberto Fernández cost 300 million dollars in the country, "said Sica in a statement. IDEA Conference at Usina del Arte, La Boca.

After the criticism of the All Front candidate against the agreement reached last year between the International Monetary Fund and the government, the dollar at the National Bank today has risen by more than 30%. a peso to reach nearly $ 58.66 at its point of sale, despite the sale of $ 362 million by the Central Bank.

In addition, the country-by-country risk rate was set at 2,001 basis points, the highest level in 14 years, and the stock price fell 4.5% on average.

"Financial instability" not only hurts the government, it strikes everyone because it affects workers, those who produce, who do not know what price "they should apply to their products, warned Sica.

"This stability is a supreme good," said the official, stressing that "let's stop being a government commitment".

Sica said the government "we do not want to create a devastated land economy as we are; We have the responsibility to do something different. "

The official explained that "an election such as PASO, which did not generate a new government, changed the political and economic climate, not only for the result, but also for the difference."

Sica said that there were "two economies, one before the OSP and another after; inflation, country risk and rates down, with a stable exchange rate "and another, after the result, where market agents" who have a binary logic, have examined the formula Fernández-Fernández and have seen Kirchnerism's economy of the last period. "


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