Spanish babies suffer from "werewolf syndrome" – News


Some 17 Spanish babies have been affected in Cantabria by a serious mistake in the packaging and distribution of a drug and are now wearing signs of the so-called "werewolf syndrome".

Health confirmed that the company had sold a vasodilator indicated for alopecia, a treatment for hair loss, as it was omeprazole.

Poorly treated babies have hypertrichosis, excessive hair growth throughout the body. This syndrome is caused by "genetic or acquired factors".

The error in the packaging is due, for the moment, until the end of the investigation opened by the Spanish Ministry of Health, in which the leaflet placed a drug in which the active ingredient was another.

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products asked parents who administered omeprazole to their baby to return to the pharmacy where they purchased the product to verify that it does not match not 23 batches contaminated by the treatment of baldness.

Adrián Cragnolini report.


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