They found the remains of the largest ritual massacre in the world of babies in Peru


Archaeologists have found what the site of the biggest sacrifice of children of the world in northern Peru. At least 227 babies were killed and buried looking towards the sea in a ritual of pre-Columbian culture Chimu. Some still have traces of skin, hair and silver jewelry.

"Until now, we have found the remains of 227 children of Chimú culture sacrificed," he told AFP the archaeologist Feren Castillo.

The remains are between 1200 and 1400 years old. Photo: HUANCHACO / AFP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROGRAM
The remains are between 1200 and 1400 years old. Photo: HUANCHACO / AFP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROGRAM

The site was discovered in the Pampa La Cruz sector in Huanchaco, a coastal municipality in Trujillo, Peru's third largest city, 700 km north of Lima.

"We are the biggest place where remains of sacrificed children have been found, and there are none," said Castillo de Trujillo, who explained that the remains are between 1200 and 1400 years old.

The children were sacrificed to calm natural disasters. (Photo: AFP / Andina / Luis Puell).
The children were sacrificed to calm natural disasters. (Photo: AFP / Andina / Luis Puell).

Castillo says the boys, between 4 and 14 years old, were sacrificed in a ritual to the gods of Chimú culture in order to appease natural disasters.

"They were sacrificed for appease the El Niño phenomenonwe found more evidence of precipitation in the conclusions, "he explained.

The remains are between 1200 and 1400 years old. (Photo: ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROGRAM HUANCHACO / AFP)
The remains are between 1200 and 1400 years old. (Photo: ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROGRAM HUANCHACO / AFP)

"Where we begin to dig another one, we get out of it." It's something uncontrollable in children, where you dig, there is one more"added the chief archaeologist.

The Huanchaco site is not the first mbad discovery of mbadacred children in Pampa La Cruz. In June 2018, they found the remains of 56 children.

Pampa la Cruz is located only two kilometers from Huanchaquito where, in April 2018, 140 children and 200 lamas offered according to a similar ritual were discovered.

National Geographic He said that radiocarbon tests on ropes and textiles dated objects found in the graves between 1400 and 1450, about a century before the arrival of the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro in Peru (1532).


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