Miguel Ángel Pichetto furious, criticized Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner


The vice-president of Together for Change, Michelangelo Pichetto, He said that the main referrals of the Front of All want to "fly everything in the air" and that "some go back".

The senator declared the president Mauricio Macri For all that time, he tried to dispel a supposed tension with the presidential candidate of the opposition, Alberto Fernandezto calm the markets and provide peace of mind, both socially and financially.

But faced with the crisis that caused the electoral defeat of the August 11 PASS, with a country risk in 2001, a dollar up more than 30% to reach more than $ 60 and an inflationary shock, the lawmaker has not yet seen it. opposition responsible for the economic collapse.


Pichetto reappeared and criticized the voters

"The proposed scenario is that everything flies in the air, the worst, the best" affirmed in the dialogue with the ultramacrista journalist Eduardo Feinmann. And in that sense, he pointed at Fernandez and the vice presidential candidate, Cristina Kirchner, and said that they "The logic of destruction suits them, burn the meadow, throw away gasoline and then someone will blow a match."

"There is Alberto Fernández who talks to the economic sector and to the world and tells them one day that there will be no default and that he will control the economy and that it will not be any more. it is cautious, but later, we talk about a power vacuum and they aggravate this theory of electoral promotion, it's crazy, "he explained about the versions on an alleged request that the IMF would have addressed to Fernandez and its economists. In this line, he rejected it and pointed out that "Some are returning."

Whatever the case may be, the leader was positive for October and said nothing was resolved. With a particular focus on the 24A march, He stressed that "many people have come to say that it is possible" and that for this "we must have an attitude and recover the faith".


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