For an economist, the government has laundered the fact that he could not pay – informed, on the way back


The economist Luis Secco has estimated that the announcements of the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza, about the launch of a negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to "restore the deadlines" of the debt constituted a tacit recognition that they "did not have enough resources to deal with it.

In dialogue with Chain 3Secco, director of the consulting firm Economic Perspectives, said the government had launched a series of measures aimed at "setting the deadlines for payment of these maturities, essentially at three levels".

"The first is the very short-term debts, called LETES and LECAPS, which are treasury bills in dollars and pesos, in which case the maturities are extended for institutional investors," he said.

"The second is that a draft is sent to Congress to extend the terms of all the Treasury debts issued under Argentine law," he continued.

"The third is that international banks are being asked to address certain proposals for extending the terms of debt issued under New York law and that a renegotiation with the IMF is being launched for the same purpose." , he added.

In this context, the economist concluded: "What has happened today is that the worst suspicions have been confirmed, namely that Argentina could not pay its debt on time, such as she had been hired. "

In any event, he denied that it was "a defect": "From the point of view of what we might call the" default ", there is no It would not be as good and, as in New York law, it calls on investment banks, such as JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and HSBC, to submit proposals for exchanging debt that is due to expire. Next year against another long-term. "

Interview of "Informed, on his return"


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