Argentina sends 200 military brigades in Bolivian Amazon – Telam


Defense Minister Oscar Aguad bids farewell to 200 members of the Armed Forces Brigade in Campo de Mayo, who will travel to Bolivia on Thursday to fight fires in the Amazon.

"Each of you will represent Argentina in this disaster caused by climate change," said the minister to members of the brigade during the event that took place within the 601 Engineers Argentine Army Association.

Aguad explained that of the 200 men, 50 have "a certificate to fight fires" and that the others "will perform a logistical task" for "as long as necessary".

The contingent of brigades that will leave by land in Bolivia to fight the fires in Santa Cruz de la Sierra has made a sample of only part of the equipment to lead to the neighboring country: tankers of 8000 liters of fuel each; transport with 10,000 liters of water; a telescopic crane; 1 backhoe, two bulldozers and a trailer with a sewage plant.

"They will do the impossible to help the Bolivian brothers," said Aguad, adding in a statement to the press that "there was a communication between the Argentine and Bolivian foreign ministers" and that "we will not be able to help the Bolivian brothers". at the request of help, "we went on the spot".

Lieutenant-Colonel and Chief of the Support Unit execution unit, Julio Ithurrart, responsible for the operation, said that his experience and his action to fight against different fires "have always occurred in Argentine territory".


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