Lavagna leaves the electoral fight and asks for a food plan


The candidate for the federal consensus has moved away from Macri and Fernández and insists on overcoming the antagonism Source: archive

The presidential candidate by federal consensus,
Roberto Lavagna, has been placed
between of the electoral struggle and has distanced himself from the president
Mauricio Macri and his main opponent,
Alberto Fernandez, everyone's forehead. He asked Macri to leave the
election campaign avoid currency volatility and emphasized the demand for "urgent launching of a food emergency program".

"We have to offer the country a different alternative," Lavagna said in a statement on the radio, in which he seemed to be moving away from Macri and Fernández, before the announcement of Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza, who had announced the renegotiation of the agreement with the IMF. and new conditions for different debt maturities.

In the Lavagna Bunker, they pointed out that the former Minister of Economy between 2002 and 2005 was the first to propose these renegotiations. "The difference is that they are now caught in crisis," said a spokesman.

Previously, Lavagna warned that "the government would propose that there be no place to do electoral politics, because every electoral gesture will receive an answer, however, with positions that the only thing that it will generate is to make the situation worse. "

According to their relatives, Lavagna seeks to create a climate of tranquility and remove from the agenda the exchange rate crisis and the financial crisis to "generate more confidence in the markets". He therefore chose to accelerate the launch of a food plan for vulnerable sectors. The presentation of the program will take place tomorrow at 5 pm at the Paraguayan and Cerrito campaign headquarters.

"We must reduce these extremist flags on both sides of the polarization, knowing that there is a minimum of dialogue to continue addressing the most important issue today, namely that the government, with the support of all, must launch an emergency food program, "Lavagna proposed to emerge from the market crisis.

The former Minister of Economy and presidential candidate for the October 27 elections has once again badyzed the country's economic and political situation with its political table and advanced in the proposal of a emergency food program.

In the campaign team, they badured LA NACION that Lavagna would try to "stand in the middle of the two poles of the crack". And, in this sense, it will appeal to a message of "stability, social and economic peace".

"Quit marketing"

In all interventions, Lavagna offers everyone to make "a gesture of abandonment of marketing and to focus on the stabilization of the economy". But he says that "Fernández continued to make electoral declarations after a moderation and the government organized a mobilization on Saturday."

"They never worried about the crisis," said a relative of Lavagna. In this sense, he foresaw that the candidate "would be more profiled against Kirchnerism" and would say that "he is the one who can beat Alberto and Cristina in a run-off".

He will seek to convince the voter of Cambiemos that "Macri does not arrive, has reached its ceiling of 32 points and collapse". In Paraguay and Cerrito, you hear: "We are the only ones able to beat Alberto in a tie-up, Macri is stagnant and has a roof." In the Lavagnismo surprised the degree of virulence of the kirchnerist speech after the meeting with the IMF, although Fernandez showed moderation.



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