The IMF said "that it will remain on the side of Argentina in these difficult times" – Telam


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it would "stay on the side of Argentina in these difficult times", while explaining its commitment to "badyze and badess the impact" that the proposal could have to raise the maturity of the country's debt. He has with the body.

"With regard to the functioning of the debt announced today by the Argentine authorities, the Fund's services are currently badyzing and badessing its impact, and understand that the authorities have taken these important measures to meet the liquidity needs and to preserve the reserves, "IMF spokesman Gerry Rice said in a statement.

"The staff (IMF) will remain in close contact with the authorities and the Fund will remain on the side of Argentina in these difficult times," the spokesman said.

The press also confirmed that the IMF delegation that was in Buenos Aires in recent days is already back in Washington and that during its stay in the country, it had "productive discussions" with the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza , President of BCRA, Guido Sandleris and their respective teams.

"IMF staff also met with Alberto Fernández and members of his economic team for an exchange of views on the Argentine economy," the statement said.



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