They are vegans, they founded a sanctuary for animals, but they do not collect roosters with chickens "so that they do not violate them"


Vegan and animal welfare organizations are not only in Argentina. In Spain, the Almas Veganas activist badociation played a leading role this week for creating an "animal sanctuary" in which separate animals for some people do not abuse others.

The case that has generated the most stir in social networks is that of roosters, which, according to the badociation created in 2016 in Girona, separate them from chickens so that they do not violate them"Also, in a video that climbed on his Twitter account and had more than 1,800 reactions, he was accused of throwing eggs on the floor." We give them back because they are yours, "they said.

This shoot of a little more than a minute began to transcend itself in different media, which brought Vegan Souls to download another video, five minutes, with download. In this paper, they reinforced their theory: "Egg consumption generates the exploitation of chickens from birth to death".

According to activists who played in the shoot, this reality stems directly from consumption, so that humans "They are complicit in oppression". Even in another video uploaded to his YouTube account, they said that the cages in which the chickens live are: "concentration camps" for the layers.

"It can be deduced that the chicken does not want to be ridden by the fact that he is trying to escape, and he can be seriously injured by the roosters," they said after their participation in a program of the chain Four from Spain, where they said they were "ridiculed"for his posture and for using an inclusive language.

Veganism is a lifestyle that rejects the use of products and services that come from animals, whether for food, clothing, medicines, cosmetics, transportation, experimentation, help at work or for entertainment except in the last case of the maintenance of domestic animals.

The reasons that lead to veganism are based on ethical, environmental and health arguments. Acting on these, nothing proves that a vegan diet is any healthier than the others, provided that it is well structured.


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