Bonds accelerated the fall and country risk climbed to 2112 points


The bond market has a day to forget today, with losses above 1.7% before accelerating its negative trend and a decline of 2.3% on average, influenced by the sales of institutional investors said the operators.

Losses accelerate after Alberto Fernández about his relationship with the IMF. Country risk reached a high of 2112 points at closing, which means it's up 5.55%, according to Rava Stock Market.

Among doubts related to the IMF disbursement agreed in mid-September, the market continues to speculate on the ability to pay Argentina's debt.

Today's day shows the continuity of the trend recorded yesterday by financial badets, struck by the instability generated by the policy in this context of economic and financial weakness.

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Argentina had at least a part of its debt in default for more than 15 of the last 18 years.

Analysts of Personal Investment Portfolio (PPI) They stressed that the hostile statements of the opposition candidate Fernández, after his meeting with the IMF, have significantly worsened the debt scenario, which led to the rise of the dollar on Tuesday and the collapse of the market.

"The reaction of yesterday – exaggerated or not, at this stage, will be determined by the scenario to come – explained by the position taken by Fernández in the statement issued Monday after the meeting with the IMF. The problem is that all the readings have been at this point since yesterday morning, and they continue to be repeated during this morning. We can not say that we read news, but basically rumors – of all kinds and kinds – of political bills and a series of speculations not quite happy, "they said.

In the future, PPI pointed out that We will continue to be forced to look at what exists in particular, the data we monitor on a daily basis and the levels left by the market..

"Today, the signs are not good, nor for the moment catastrophic, but we insist that in a difficult (and long) transition, the soil may not have been seen yet. ", they concluded.

"The relations between the IMF and Argentina are not entirely clear, it is envisaged to change government and, given the significant financing needs that Argentina faces, fears of non-disbursement raise no speculation on Argentine bonds going beyond a simple restructuring. I think that we will continue to see this type of conference insofar as, on the part of the government and the opposition, they do not seek to calm the tension that exists between investors and the doubts related to the payment of the debt and the pressures on investors. dollar, "said a local bank bond operator.

For their part, Analysts of the SBS group They agreed that the Fernández Declaration had been interpreted by the markets as a break with the IMF and provided an additional argument for those who doubted the next disbursement, which would have a significant impact on Argentine badets. This had an impact on bonds and the exchange rate.

"Liquidity remains minimal and BCRA has organized 7 auctions throughout the day to prevent market movements from causing a disruptive jump, even if it is difficult to achieve a significant result when investors also closely examine the reserves and maturities of foreign currency debt. With everything,The pressure on the foreign exchange market is still huge and we are in a situation where some political signals could have a much more significant effect than the intervention of the BCRA. ", they said of SBS Group.


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