Elisa Carrió remains optimistic: "We count the days to win the elections"


Elisa Carrió did not take an hour to go out and meet Alberto Fernández. The Todos Front candidate had badured Mauricio Macri "count the days" to leave the government. The member did not let it pbad. "We count the days to win the elections"he destroyed it with reference to October 27th.

This tour took place after the president made it clear that he was missing "59 days for the presidential election in October". He based his statements on the opposition candidate.

"I'm sure we'll win. Who will govern? Alberto Fernández or Cristina with Zannini and the social movements?Lilita wondered in an interview with eltrecce, in which he said that "Alberto" is a very dangerous man "and his vice candidate" is chaos ".

In turn, he said that the former chief of staff "was not that a puppet" and had said: "He put hackers in order to operate a operation against Enrique Olivera so that I do not win the capital (in the 2005 elections) ". Then, he added: "He threatened to tell me that he was going to annihilate me."

Asked about the days of political, economic and social tension that followed PAHO, Mr. Carrió stressed that "the institutionality of the president chosen by the people in October is preserved" and that beyond the first results, he intuition of what "This election will be as strong as that of 1983", which were won by Raúl Alfonsín with 51.75% of the votes against 40.16% of Italo Lúder.

"If the order wins, if Mauricio Macri wins, it is clear that everything will be reorganized"said the MP and considered:" The fate of a president is not played. I am not next to Macri because I am Maria Eugenia Vidal or Marcos Peña, I am at her side first because in defeat, I maintain that it is a humanistic principle to be with the defeated. "

In this line, he said that "defeat is a warning to pride" and added that in fact, "no matter who wins, the important thing is the Republic", because "A country that has deteriorated for 70 years is not resolved in four".


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