Reprogrammed payment from Letes, Lecaps and Lecer begins – Telam


The Ministry of Finance will begin by paying 15% of the nominal value of what should be paid at the original term of Letes, Lecaps and Lecer, which expires on Friday, as part of its rescheduling program that contemplates the payment 25% in 90 days and the remaining 60% in six months.

The portfolio led by Hernán Lacunza plans to pay this Friday 15% of the maturity of Lecap for $ 169.95 of WNV, remaining for November 30 to pay an additional $ 320.92, or 25%; and the remaining 60%, about 871.43%, on February 29th.

The same is expected for a series of Lecer, with payments of $ 150 this Friday, $ 250 to three months and $ 600 to six months.

At the same time, dollar bills will receive payments of $ 150 this Friday, $ 250 in November and $ 600 in February.

Lacunza on Wednesday rescheduled payments on these domestic debt, because the level of renewal of these securities has declined sharply after the PASO.

Until August 11 "they had renewed at a rate corresponding to 88% of maturities, then had fallen to levels below 10%, 7% on August 15 and 5% today (Wednesday), has Lacunza said at a press conference when announcing new measures.

This low level of renewal "raised doubts about the completion of the financial program planned for the last four months" of this year.


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