Fanaticism and inaction | Opinion


The decision of the FARC veterans, Iván Márquez, aka the PaisaSantrich and the others to be rearmed is their cruel responsibility and that of no one else. The state is therefore obliged to persecute them without borders, especially when the territory that houses them is an autocratic neighbor. But this can not become a talanquera to prevent a reflection on the way in which institutional inaction and discursive ambiguities end up fueling narratives around the impossibility of peace. On the contrary, it is obligatory to do it.

While those who won the No in the plebiscite to approve the peace process agreements insist on baderting their position of unshakeable fanaticism, confronting the president for himself elected, it will not be possible to agree minimums to protect the lives of social leaders under the spotlight, nor keep 90% of ex-combatants in the promises of rebuilding the social fabric. And if the president thinks like some members of his party, then it would be desirable to know not to continue to feed the imaginary good and bad cop, and those who honestly badume the task know what leadership they respond.

The government of President Iván Duque insists on his commitment to the implementation of peace agreements signed two and a half years ago, and provides compliance figures in some areas, but his supporters of the democratic center deny again and again this peace. It seems that they are not willing to accept because that would give their principles. The only valid principles were to guarantee the non-return of violence and they must now face consequences that I do not believe are underestimated.

Márquez and his deserter comrades pose a threat that no less makes them join the ELN guerrillas, with whom we are not talking about the horrific attack on the cadet school of the police a few months ago. Venezuela, that is to say, Nicolás Maduro, finances, protects and transforms them into a criminal force with the capacity to harm. I hope not. In a rational scenario, one might expect something to have served them as society made them understand at the time that they are not the heroes of the people, nor the representatives of the less favored.

But I do not think they are simply deserters with a speech not even moderately elaborated for the realities of a world that moves at an unusual speed. They speak of corrupt oligarchies when their existence prefers blood to the democratic struggle. They did not learn the lesson from seeing the crying and generosity of so many victims who forgave them during the peace process. In short, they were smaller than their worst enemies. They could not. They do not know how to win without their weapons on their belts. This is called cowardice. Fanaticism for weapons. Dissidents, at least we know, have no future.

The ambiguities of political discourse and the cowardice of warriors do not deserve to be badyzed. Also the CEP and its inaction. It has been slow to remove from their jurisdiction those who have dishonored the agreements signed from day one. They got entangled in their own time to guarantee the rule of law that would leave them only room for the rearmament and betrayal of their partners. Márquez and El Paisa never fulfilled their commitments to the CEP, and not Santrich, that the trichiñuelas of the previous prosecutor prevented him from judging him in time, as he deserved. I hope it's a lesson learned. Because the future as a nation and the reading we can do of ourselves and that our history depend on this court.

Even more delicate is that the seemingly uncohesive armed forces inside, as a result of all the reported corruption cases and the hunt for the truth-filtering agents that hurt them, do not explain this in front of their nose. You have rearmed a group of former FARC. Where is the intelligence? To what extent is the Ministry of Defense certain that the video announcing a new war with the Colombians has not been recorded in the jungle south of our Amazon but in the porosity of our border with Venezuela? We expect that they can be captured very soon, before Colombia returns to the path of counting the victims.

The implementation of the agreement without rhetoric and with more decision, apart from figures in which it is no longer recognized when it is over and when it is less, is the only challenge and obligation, less two months after the regional elections, where should be the warriors fishing in the anguish of the citizens to seek the favors of the extremist vote.

This is no longer a problem for fans of No against the defenders of Yes, also unable to move to scenarios where collective building spaces can be found. All post-agreement processes involve transitions and produce defections. It's just the Irish case where the one called the IRA or the M23 breakaway faction in Rwanda, and so on. in many places, like El Salvador, where they became common criminals.

There are times when leaders must recognize that it is time to change the speech for actions and force those who are harmful to move away. Especially when the safety of the veterans themselves who have respected the agreements, threatened businessmen and when the role of Maduro in this conflict, still fueled by a drug trafficking problem, can also be solved, n & rsquo; Is not minor for Colombia. Not for the region.

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