Jorge Lanata's anger for the process of importing a lighter


In the usual radial pbad that he makes with Marcelo Longobardi on the Miter radio, Jorge Lanata He expressed his anger at the "state bureaucracy" that a lighter bought at the customs he bought online. Between humor and indignation, the reporter recounted the unusual situation that he is going through.

"I will tell you a little story. It comes to my mind, by mistake, because I'm an idiot, buy a lighter online. The procedure was normal until they say "I need an importer". It even seemed strange to me. I send it to the sender, friends with whom I sometimes bring pictures. They kill you but hey, it's their job. Then I get a letter saying that I had to write documents to the Ministry of Industry, where I had declare that the lighter was for personal use. That is, I ran the risk of breaking lighter mills"He said acid.

After revealing that he still had not managed to get him out of the customs, Lanata continued: "Suppose the lighter is worth 100 pesos, the bulletin says that I have to pay 97 taxes. What do they charge me? The statistical rate, the import duties, VAT, profits and one thing, namely the internal taxes that do not clear up and are around 40%, plus the 500 mangoes that my friends me charge. "

After carefully following the driver's account, Logobardi began reading all the information needed to import the lighter and told him that he had to go through an entity. "An entity? In other words, a bunch of bades who come together to badyze a lighter, useless manga that lives on us. I never got it because he came here and they removed it.Unleashing the political lighter ", he joked and pointed against Fernando Grbado, the secretary of the industry.

Unleashing the political lighter

Almost like a moral and controversial advice to his listeners, Jorge concludes: "Smuggling. I ask people to smuggle and leave. I have a friend who brings things about smuggling, an "informal" importer. I will ask my friend, who pbades an elephant to the customs and nobody says anything to him. I will ask my friend who comes from every month of New York to bring me 64 lighters. I'm going to send them to the Secretary of Industry at my place, I can not remember his name. Oh yes, Grbado! Grbado, I hope that 63 lighters will arrive by mail. "


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