Hurricane Dorian took an unexpected turn and threatens to hit Georgia and South Carolina


The status of alerts continues to increase in the United States, while Dorian Approaches to his ribs. If it was only a tropical storm earlier this week, the meteor became a monstrous Category 4 hurricane in just a few days. Now, in a new sample of unpredictability, he has partially altered his course in Florida and turned to Georgia and South Carolina, where they are already preparing for their arrival.

"There was a noticeable change during the night in #Dorian forecasts since Tuesday. It should be noted that on the new route, it is not excluded that it will land on the shores of Florida, large parts of the territory remaining in the cone of uncertainty ", reported the National Hurricane Center (NHC) on his Twitter account.

"Significant impacts could also occur even if the hurricane center remains at sea. With the change of course, the risk of high winds and deadly storms increases along the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina in the middle of next week, "he added in a second publication.

Significant impacts could also occur even if the center of #Dorian Sea trips. With the change in forecasts, the risk of high winds and a life-threatening storm surge increases along the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina in the middle of next week.

– National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic) August 31, 2019

Meanwhile, the US president, Donald Trumpsaid that Dorian is one of the strongest hurricanes seen for decades in the country and confirmed its diversion to other states.

"It seems that our big South Carolina could be beaten MUCH STRONGER than originally planned, Georgia and North Carolina as well. Dorian is moving and it is very difficult to predictexcept that it is one of the largest and most powerful (and very broad) we have seen in decades. Take care of yourself, "Twitter warned.

Look like our big South Carolina could be hit MUCH stronger than expected. Georgia and North Carolina too. It is very difficult to predict, except that it is one of the largest and most powerful (and largest) we have seen in decades. Be careful!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2019

During the morning, the President retweeted messages from the Red Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the HNC and the Florida Department of Health, among others, with advice to citizens and information on preparations before the arrival of Dorian.

According to the latest HNC update, the hurricane continues its process of strengthening Atlantic waters and generates constant high winds of 230 km / h approaching the Bahamas and Florida.

In addition, meteorologists expect it to remain in category 4 of the Saffir-Simpson scale it moves slowly – at 19 km / h – to the west.

According to the latest forecasts, the phenomenon this could especially affect the northernmost islands of the Bahamas. In this sense, the hurricane should remain for hours on Abacus and Grand Bahama, located 90 km east of the Florida coast, which could cause significant damage, as Dorian would then retain its major hurricane category.

Subsequently, they estimate that the stormy system will turn north shortly before touching the mainland in Florida to finally navigate its shoreline until it reaches the Carolinas coast.


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