He asked for help at 911, the operator laughed at her and ended up dead | Chronic


An American girl drowned while she had asked for help at 911. During her last minutes of life, the operator challenged her to drive into an area. flooded and told him that the desperation of the moment "will learn not to drive in the water next time".

The tragic event occurred around 4:38 am Saturday, August 24 in the morning, while Debra StevensThe 47-year-old was working as a newspaper distribution company in the town of Forth Smith, Arkansas, USA, and the increasingly flooded waters began to reach his car.

The last person Debra spoke to was an operator who, according to the Fort Smith Police Service, would have "insensitive and indifferent".

"I have a serious emergency"said the woman to the person. "I can not go out and I'm very scared, ma'am. Can you help me please? "she asked terrified.

Between tears and terror, Debra insisted that he was going to die from the rapid rise of water and that he did not know how to swim. He also repeatedly asked when help would arrive, but had trouble describing his location.

Debra Stevens (Facebook).

"You're not going to die, I do not know why you're going crazy, that way you're losing your oxygen, so calm down.", said the operator, identified as Donna Reneau, in a 22-minute audio released this week by the police.

Debra said that his car was filling up with water and that it would soon affect his mobile phone. The operator began to challenge her for driving in a flooded area. The woman stated that she had not seen her and explained, while crying inconsolably, that she was reaching his chest. "This will teach you not to drive in the water next time"said Donna, who can be heard answering other calls.

Donna Reneau, the
"numb" Operator (Facebook).

"I will die!"Debra said and shouted that he could not breathe. "He's breathing good because he's screaming at me, so calm down, I know he's scared.the operator responded, but then everything was quiet. Suddenly, Donna reacted to the lack of response: "God, it looks like it's under water now.".

Place where Debra lost his life.

Rescuers arrived in Debra's vehicle about 58 minutes later and failed to revive him. Donna worked her last shift that day and was "sincere efforts to locate and save it", according to Fort Smith police.


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