Tinelli broke Macri and proved that Alberto Fernández was right


The conductor of the television, Marcelo Tinelli, has questioned the management of Mauricio Macri, responsible for the problems faced by the economy due to the instability of the markets.

Everything happened during a conversation that he had with the model Luciana Salazar, who requested an agreement between Macri and Alberto Fernández in order to achieve economic tranquility until the elections .

Luciana Salazar said: "I think peace has been short-lived and that Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández must think about the country and rest badured because we are the victims. "

Far from coinciding with his opinion, Tinelli disagreed and said:Basically, Macri, who is the president. Alberto Fernández will have to think about the country on the day of his presidency. "

The TV presenter made a statement similar to that of the Front presidential candidate of all, willing to work together to end the crisis, but clarified that the decision maker was President Macri.


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