Dorian hit the Bahamas, left five dead and goes to the United States. – Telam


Hurricane Dorian, which with category 5 is the strongest storm on the planet this year, hit the Bahamas today, where many bodies float in the streets, have confirmed five dead and have already headed for the Florida region, United States.

"The Bahamas are currently at war and attacked by Hurricane Dorian," said Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis, who confirmed the death of five people in the aftermath of the natural disaster.

Hurricane Dorian has hit the Bahamas since Sunday with torrential rains and winds of nearly 300 km / h, leaving a trail of mbad destruction, but so far, no official deaths have occurred. been reported.
Foreign Affairs Minister, Darren Henfield, announced today that he had news of many bodies floating in flooded streets after the pbadage of Hurricane Dorian across the Abaco Islands, to the north of the archipelago.

"We have reports of bodies seen, but we can not confirm these data until we see them," Henfield said in statements to the ZNS television network.

He also said that the damage reported in the Abaco Islands was catastrophic, but that we will have to wait for the conditions to improve on the ground to verify the true state of the situation.

There are fallen power lines and felled trees, and rescue teams are moving to areas where information is available about people still at risk.

Grand Bahama Police Chief Samuel Butler has asked to stay calm until the storm pbades and the authorities evaluate the measures to be taken.

In the images broadcast by the inhabitants of the Abaco Islands, the damage caused by hurricanes is visible in cars and homes whose only submerged roofs were observed because of the floods that turned the streets into torrential rivers.

In Abaco, the destruction was total and much of the territory completely flooded, which added the difficulty of saving hundreds of people who ignored the government's request to leave the potentially vulnerable coastal areas.

As a result, the Bahamas government will promote new regulations on mandatory evacuation to avoid situations such as that experienced during the pbadage of Hurricane Dorian, who struck Monday. Atlantic archipelago, after hundreds of people from the Abaco Islands refused to give up their activities. the houses

Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, said in statements to local media that once the normal activity resumes and the parliament resumed, appropriate legislation will be promoted to prevent situations such as that experienced with Hurricane do not breed Dorian

"On two occasions, I asked the Bahamians to leave the keys to go to the central area of ​​the island, Abaco-" said Minnis, after finding that despite his request, hundreds people had stayed at home in very vulnerable areas.
Minnis pointed out that despite the plight, many people have refused to leave, a situation that no longer wants to happen again.

Meanwhile, the hurricane is advancing very slowly and is expected to arrive in East Florida tonight and remain a threat until Wednesday.

Nearly 600 flights planned today have already been canceled due to the arrival of the hurricane on the southeast coast of the United States.

In addition to the closure of airports and ports, train services have been suspended and the return to clbades of thousands of primary, secondary and university students has been delayed.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people approached the beach in the tourist town of Juno Beach today hours before Hurricane Dorian approaches the coast of Florida, before continuing north along the coast. from the southeastern coast of the United States. .


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