Lacalle Pou: "We are worried and punished" the crisis in Argentina


The senator of the Uruguayan National Party, Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou, main candidate of the opposition to the presidency, spoke yesterday in front of more than 250 Argentine businessmen at the time of the meeting. a meeting convened by the Inter-American Council for Trade and Production (CICyP). In front of this audience, Lacalle Pou confessed his concern about the complex economic situation in Argentina and declared that "whoever wins" the elections in the country "will be my partner in the region and in Mercosur".

"We are destined to get along with Argentina, we will get along well with everyone," said the opposition candidate at Frente Amplio, while acknowledging that he had already had informal contacts with referents of the different local political forces.

Emigrated as the sole candidate of the national party to the presidency of Uruguay on October 27, the same day as the elections in Argentina, Lacalle Pou said that "we learned what had gone wrong and I am convinced that the winner takes it to Argentina, it will not happen again. "And he justified:" We would be very clumsy if we continued to punish a region that must not only hear well, but who has the obligation to get along with the world ".

On recent currency restrictions in Argentina, he said, "Of course, what's happening here worries and punishes us, ask tour operators what are the expectations of this season." Just yesterday, the Uruguayan Minister of Tourism asked her country's ambbadador in Buenos Aires to conduct an inventory badessment to determine how to continue to attract Argentine tourists to Uruguay's coastlines. "We are experiencing these sudden changes in the currency with Brazil, and these jumps of the currency in Argentina make us very complicated, because we lose our competitiveness in the markets we share, because we do not export more here and because that most Argentines stop to leave.It is for three reasons that the economic issue complicates us. "

Since the primary elections, Uruguay has been suffering from a rise in the price of the dollar, which reached 37 Uruguayan pesos yesterday. "It may be a utopia, but I hope that in Mercosur we will be able to have floors and ceilings in the exchange rate, in the value of currencies: it would be to get us a little of the tachycardia of the neighbors we have. "said the opposition party's national candidate.

In implicit reference to Uruguayan political culture and the so-called Argentine "crack", CICyP President Daniel Funes de Rioja introduced Lacalle Pou, stressing that "alternation and competition in Uruguay did not hinder cohabitation". In any event, Lacalle Pou said that "Uruguay is moving towards an alternation within the government, which must change the life of the Uruguayans.It is a alternation that is getting ready and four or five parties of the opposition will have to agree ".

On October 27, legislative elections are also held in Uruguay and, unpublished, it is expected that up to nine parties will be eligible for seats, which would hinder the government's management of the next president. That is why we are talking about a "multicolored agreement" of two or more parties (taking into account the nominations of traditional Colorado parties and whites).

Sure to become the next Uruguayan president and with the certainty that he will need alliances, the candidate said that "the political agreement is not generated spontaneously, our political party has for the vocation of leading this new government In Uruguay, it is very difficult a personal movement: this multicolored agreement will be based on trust, programmatic and personal.


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