Nazi objects of Adolf Hitler hidden in the basement of the French Senate


Why the French Senate Nazi relics guard in their basements? This is the question that the French newspaper The world did in his research entitled "The Senate has hidden in its basements a bust of Hitler and a Nazi flag for 75 years."

Neither Senators, Senate veterans, nor historians claim to have seen such objects in the basement of the Senate. However, The world got confirmation from the Senate Communications Service which are also preserved an oxygen mask, a gas lamp and correspondence in German, as well as a bust of Adolf Hitler about 35 centimeters and a Nazi flag red, white and black three meters.

The media also say that about a decade ago, the Senate got rid of several tables adorned with the Nazi eagle. The origin of these objects is unknown, so they are not included in the construction object inventory, nor why they remained hidden since the second world war.

Part of what the French Senate keeps in its premises. (Photo courtesy of the World)
Part of what the French Senate keeps in its premises. (Photo courtesy of the World)

From June 1940 to August 24, 1944, when the Nazi army occupied Paris, several photos of the Luftwaffe, Nazi air force, installed at the Luxembourg Palace, name of the seat of the French Senate.

In the basement, the Senate has a bunker built in 1937 to protect senators from possible bombings. The Nazi relics would be kept in this long forgotten place.

Before the doubts raised by the revelation, a former minister of François Hollande said that "there is no Hitler cult in the French Senate ", For right-wing Senator Roger Karoutchi, it is "foolish" to keep a bust of the German dictator in "these conditions".


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