Alert: Dorian climbs the road to the United States | Chronic


In its slow progression towards the eastern coast of the United States, Hurricane Dorian recovered last Wednesday Category 3, with a maximum of 5 on the Saffir – Simpson scale of intensity, with winds of up to 185 km per hour. They warn that there will be storms "threatening life" in this area and that will touch land somewhere in South Carolina.

This was reported by the latest newsletter of the National Hurricane Center (NHC). He also explained that Michael's eye is located 170 kilometers south of Charleston, South Carolina, 365 kilometers south-southwest of Wilmington, North Carolina, and that he moves north at a speed of about 11 kilometers to the hour.

NHC meteorologists warn that Dorian could cause storms "threatening life" to the American coast for the next two days. The eye of the hurricane will head north over the next few hours and will turn north-west on Thursday night. During this tour, I could touch some land somewhere on the Caroline Coast.

READ ALSO: "Chronicle visited the region of Hurricane Dorian"

Until the moment, Dorian has killed more than 20 people in Las bahamas, as well as extensive destruction on the islands of the north of the archipelago, including Abaco and Grand Bahama, where it remained more than 24 hours.

Satellite image of Dorian (courtesy of AFP).

In the United States, there are still no casualties or ravages although they remain alert to the rise of their winds in recent hours, with maxima between 165 and 185 kilometers per hour.


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