A bear was stuck in the bathroom of a women's hotel


Employees and guests of a hotel in Montana, United StatesThey were stunned to discover the presence of an unexpected visitor in the women's bathroom of the place: nothing less than a bear. The special "visit", which took place on 1 September, was recorded in a series of photos and videos that are already circulating on networks.

The animal has entered the place through a window of the bathroom and there he settled comfortably. Far from being scared or being a threat to people, he decided to fall asleep for a moment at the edge of the sink to wash his hands. It was discovered by one of the women who was staying there, who quickly alerted the employees of the establishment to take action in this regard and to get him out of there. The images of this moment were taken by the present and they started to viraliser quickly.

Faced with the unusual scene, employees of the Buck & # 39; s T-4 Lodge & Restaurant immediately contacted Parks, Fisheries and Wildlife officers of Montana as well as agents of the Gallatin County Sheriff's Office, so that help him take off the small, according to the CNN.

Since the establishment of the housing, they have taken the moment with humor and have posted on their Facebook profile the record showing everything they 've done to be able to get it out of the bathroom, what' s up with? they managed to do after a while. On the photos that have also started circulating in networks, we see the animal, who is still a puppy, lying on top of the sink.

The unusual case of "criminal bear": stole a car, crashed and escaped

Operational Authorities informed the locals of the place that they wanted to calm the cub, then take him away and release him in a safe place, away from the l '& qu qu,,,,,. hotel. As a result, wildlife representatives first prepared a tranquilizer for sleeping. They applied it and when they discovered that he was in perfect health, he they moved abroad.

Although this situation is unusual for most people, even for guests of this hotel, because of the near Yellowstone National ParkSeveral times, employees have encountered the presence of these animals in the establishment.



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