Alberto Fernández, Spain: "To have so much bet on the United States made us back"


Before the Congress of Deputies, in Madrid, the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, referred to the current international politics of Argentina and questioned the link between the country and the United States.

Alberto Fernández: "US policy has pushed us back, Spain's role is to open the doors of the rest of Europe Mercosur is not working well: we have to see how we let's tighten the bond, the agreement with the EU I do not know how it happened. "

– TN – All news (@todonoticias) September 5, 2019

"Argentina needs to be integrated into the world differently .I think Argentina needs to recover its multilateral and multipolar relationship with the world, the fact that he is part of the Lima group and that he is so conditioned by American politics has not rebuffed. That does not mean that a bad relationship with the United States is established, but a mature bond, "he stressed before adding that he was looking for a" mature "relationship with the United States .

The candidate for Casa Rosada highlighted the need for Argentina to reintegrate the world and questioned the participation of this country in the Lima group.

"It is obvious that we want integration with Europe, the biggest investors (in the country) are Spanish and French, they have come for years, and we have many interests in Mercosur that wanted to create a link with Europe as they never should have stopped doing, "he added.


Throughout her presentation, Cristina Kirchner 's partner has been very critical of Mauricio Macri' s management. "After these years, all the social indicators have deteriorated, unemployment has doubled, poverty has increased by 30% and by the end of this term we will have 40% of the poor and a high unemployment rate. annual inflation of 57% ", questioned.

In this regard, he said that if he arrived at Casa Rosada, he would honor his debts to the IMF and private agents. "We will fulfill and honor the debts, as always, but do not ask us to do so at the cost of further deterioration of our people and an additional delay from the Argentines," he said. .

"Argentina has inexplicably made a huge effort to get rid of a burden it had for years, namely debt," he said. And he added: "Do not ask us to do this to the detriment of the growing deterioration of people"He continued.


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