Alberto Fernández: "We will honor the debt, but not with the sacrifice of the Argentinians" – Telam


Fernndez said that "the debts will be fulfilled", but not with the suffering of the Argentineans

The presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, said today, in Madrid, that he manages to impose himself in the elections of October, "he will pay his debts, but that will not be done at the expense of the suffering of the Argentines ".

In addition, at a conference he gave at the Congress of Deputies of Spain, he stated that "Argentina needs to be integrated into the world differently", reiterating its reservations concerning the recent agreement between Mercosur and the European Union.

"The integration we must realize, but not at the cost of continuing to harm Argentina," Fernandez said in front of an auditorium consisting mainly of Argentinian supporters residing in Madrid, come to listen to him and express support for the October 27 elections.

He added that "the fact that Argentina is part of the Lima group and is so conditioned by American policy has made us go back a lot as a country."

However, he stressed that "this does not mean that it poses bad relations with the United States, but that we must have a mature relationship".

Fernández also warned that if he won the October elections, his government "would pay off and honor his debts as usual, but do not ask us for it at the price of $ 10. a further deterioration of our people and the postponement of that to the Argentineans, because they are already much behind "the Argentines. "

"We have to go out of debt with rationality and understanding on everyone's part, going out will be difficult, but we will do it," he said after recalling that when the Macri government came to power , debt accounted for 38% of GDP. 100% "The cake has been cut in half and we owe 100%," he said.

"We have to free ourselves from the debt with everyone's rationality and understanding – going out will be difficult, but let's meet""

The candidate of Kirchner was received in the Constitutional Chamber of the Spanish Parliament among the cries of "President Alberto!" and "come back!"

Fernández arrived accompanied by his entourage reduced, composed of the chiefs Felipe Solá and Miguel Cuberos, and members of the left parliamentary group United We, among which the Argentine Gerardo Pisarello, who occupies a prominent place as a member of the Bureau of the United States Congress. MPs

"We need to see how we build this link between Mercosur and the European Union, while respecting common interests," said candidate Kirchner during his presentation.

Fernández was invited to hold a conference in the Spanish Parliament under the title "Latin America and Europe: the challenges of the process of integration",

co-organized by the Complutense University of Madrid and the Observatory of Human Rights in Latin America.

"I very much hope that Mercosur and Argentina will return to Europe," but "a first task is to rebuild the unity of Latin America".


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