Dorian has arrived in the United States but has not yet discharged all his fury | Chronic


The violent hurricane Dorian made landfall in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, with strong winds of more than 140 km / h and heavy rains. The east coast of the United States remains on the alert with more than three million evacuees in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

Both North Carolina and South Carolina witnessed last Thursday tropical storms and hurricane winds. The cyclone crossed the city of Charleston, South Carolina, at 110 kilometers per hour, at 110 km / h.

In some areas, it caused floods of up to 40 centimeters of water and tides recorded heights greater than 2 meters.

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"Residents in these areas need to be prepared for adverse winds, storm surges that put people's lives at risk, and the rains, and Dorian also appears to be affecting a portion of eastern Canada as an extra-tropical depression in Canada. the force of a hurricane ", the National Hurricane Center (NHC) warned.

The National Guard has deployed 500 troops to the territory, according to the governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper. "It's serious and can be deadly"warned the official who urged residents to "Be safe and stay there".

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In addition to the two Carolinas, Dorian pbaded a safety distance from the state of Florida, where they had declared an emergency. Then the fortified storm hit Georgia, where its governor, Brian Kemp, lifted the mandatory evacuation order on Friday.

Major Floods in South Carolina (Twitter).

The Bahamas is one of the most affected regions., where the hurricane pbaded last Sunday in its highest category, the 5, with winds up to 290 km / h. At the present time, the government of this country has registered 20 deaths, but their number could increase in the next hours, especially in the archipelago of Abaco Islands, where significant damage has been caused.

Meteorologists, meanwhile, predict that Dorian could even reach Virginia during the weekend. This will not affect New England, but they expect the center of the storm to pbad nearly 200 kilometers east Saturday morning.


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