He lost control of the car when he saw a spider and killed a woman | Chronic


A man in England caused the death of a woman after crushing her vehicle after being afraid to see a spider driving. The incident occurred last year, but the driver explained during the trial the reason for his distraction.

Edvinas Gilius During his trial, he stated that a spider suddenly appeared on the roof of his car. When he tried to remove it by the time he turned right, he crashed against a pole and killed a woman.

Janet Cawood (58) I was waiting to cross the street in Bradford, England, when the pole fell on it. Security cameras in the area have recorded the events that occurred on August 3 of last year.

Edvinas Gilius is crushed against a pole.

British newspaper Daily mail reported that the woman was immediately transferred to a hospital. There, the doctors followed her during "36 injured" in your body, including "Fractures of the skull and brain lesions". He died 13 days after the accident.

According to the same media, Edvinas remained on the scene until the authorities arrived. The man admitted "Do not be focused on the road" and pleaded guilty "To cause death by driving carelessly."

Gilius was sentenced to community service for 12 months and banned from driving for three years. They also told him to pay 320 euros for legal fees.

Edvinas remained on the scene until the authorities arrived.

The man who drove the car.


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