The tense dialogue between Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri


From Casa Rosada, they claim to consult all the decisions of the interlocutors of the In front of all (among other parts), and from this space, they complain that "inform us of the measures a few minutes before making them known (in the best case) ".

They say, for example, that they have never even seen a preview of the bill to repay debts while doubting that This initiative can be approved.

In the government environment, they argue that changing the debt and IMF maturities was one of the public demands made by Alberto Fernández and other opposition candidates, and now that we present it, "the distracted are made.

In the ranks of Alberto, they argue that, for example, the government had asked them for help before the International Monetary Fund, forgetting that "we do not co-govern". And so arise disagreements based on mutual mistrust. At La Rosada, they do not trust "good intentions" Frente de Todos and vice versa.

Where there is a coincidence is that Cambiemos claims to want to be the first non-radical government to end his term without being prevented by Peronism and Alberto Fernández's ranks also ratify this will. "Not a day before December 10"they claim ranks of Kirchism.

Until October, both parties should try not to "Tighten the rope" whereas the economy is in critical condition.

Do not shake the rope is complicated because the two candidates are entering the election campaign where words are going well, criticism is on the agenda.


The relatives of President Macri announced that they were going out to get votes and fight to reach a poll and the axis of the campaign. He is still confronted with the fears of Kirchnerism.

This Wednesday, in front of many businessmen gathered by the Association of Companies of Argentina, President Macri did not hesitate to differentiate himself by saying: "Today, we live in a free Republic that must clearly continue to lead the economy to leave the decades of ups and downs that have caused us so much damage, but we will leave only if we continue to to tell us the truth, to respect each other, to express ourselves in freedom without consequences, and that we can continue to struggle to have a country where we can live without mafia behavior or corruption "….

The government knows that it can not use economic achievements to achieve votes and that is why he will try to save values ​​in the attempt to awaken the memories of the Kirchner government. Renew the memory of the authoritarian gestures that the government of Cristina had while sliding that Alberto "Many can not do."

Does the government know that the economic situation will not be good, that the price increase by October will be high and that the aid provided is only a palliative. This is why he is forced to contrast with Cristina's government.


In Alberto's environment, they feel it will be the campaign's strategy of change and will avoid falling into confrontation "People do not want to crack anymore," A senior colleague of the presidential candidate explains. "We will work for a much more democratic construction, says

Kirchnerism has an advantage simply by stating the bad data of the economy and by promising that it will improve, it already has a lot of the message. And if you avoid, as far as possible, words that frighten, like those of Juan Grabois, who proposes to confiscate acres of countryside.

They are aware that the economy will not give good news in the short term. "The next president will have difficulties in this area" They admit that the year will end with high inflation, a significant drop in GDP of 2.5% or more, with no possibility of quickly lowering taxes, but with high rates of inflation. high interest.

In this context, it is necessary to recreate the expectations and one of them will work for "close the crack ".

They exclude that tensions may exist between the presidential candidate for the Frente de Todos and CFK about the political offer. To explain it, they rely on facts "Cristina has decided to win her candidacy and she offers it to Alberto who asks her to be his vice president. "

If they become a government, only the march will say if that were true.


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