Spain: Denounces Podemos Hiding Alberto Fernández Speaks in Parliament


After the presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez visited Spain, the parliamentarians who took part in the Argentine candidate's closing speech denounced the fact that they were trapped "deceived" and that everything remains orchestrated by the Left party. We can give a good frame to the old K.

According to the newspaper El Mundo de España, the Popular Party (PP) and the citizens felt "deceived" by United We can because they concealed the act provided for in their application to the Constitutional Chamber of the Congress of Deputies.

"They fooled us, they asked permission to use the room for a conference and that turned out to be a proselytic act" for a political leader and more than a month after the elections to which he should appear, a citizen legislator protested in a dialogue with the Nation, the second opposition force in Spain.

During the presentation of the Argentine candidate, there were songs, cheers and streamers. In collaboration with the parliamentarians of the main opposition force, the People's Party (PP), any sanctions are currently being investigated.

The two parties denounce the fact that the first vice-president of the Congress, Gloria Elizo, of Podemos, had asked the Constitutional Chamber to "celebrate a day on the new economic horizons in Latin America and Europe", without however saying that 39, it would be used to greet the candidate. Argentine.


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