Beyond aesthetics


By Dr. Jorge R. Pedro *

There is a lot of talk in the media right now plastic surgery the most common and the most popular, not only in Argentina, but in the world: mammal augmentation thanks to the inclusion of silicone bad implants. While many women consult to increase the size, few are those who consult anonymously for the opposite reason: the large volume and the weight of their bads.

In the United States, according to his statistics, 44,000 bad reduction surgeries and 110,000 bad surgeries were performed in 2018, many with some degree of bad hypertrophy.

Women who undergo a very large bust in their different clbades – ranging from mammary hypertrophy gigantomastie– live a trial since adolescence. This is due not only to the physical reasons caused by overweight that bends the spine over the years, but also to interference with self-esteem, creating complexes that are difficult to solve and that change their social and emotional lives. their life as a couple.

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Breast reduction is a practical and very satisfying solution for a large number of women of all ages who have this problem and who, encouraged to treat it, is generating a vital change, not only physically and psychologically, but also in their customs. and their quality. When they undergo surgery, they commonly express themselves as follows: "Why do not you encourage me before this procedure?", not only because of the lack of pain, but because of the remarkable improvement in their quality of life.

Like many surgeries related to body reshaping, it is convenient to perform a bad reduction with the body weight closest to the ideal. One of the remarkable benefits is that after surgery, patients can begin to perform activities they could not do before, which improves their overall physical condition with benefits that are also perceived in health.

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It is very common to hear patients say that the intervention has allowed them to improve their lives, because of changes in their habits, which simply involve wearing a bra and certain clothes and to lead a more active life. These changes that not all women notice, because the operations are transcendental. Many patients tell us that they change their attitude towards life, literally "badfeed" and move on, leaving behind the concealment with the shame of their bodies. A couple's life and badual relationships also improve significantly by losing the shame and complex complexion of not showing up in public or in a relationship.

* University specialist in plastic surgery. Director of Communication of the Argentine Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (SACPER).


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