A vegan of raped hens now attacks fishermen


With the ideals of veganism as a flag and without taking a step backwards after they laughed at the cause, he blamed this practice on the "oppressive capitalist system" that turns animals "into food", according to his own words, something like that. like your statement of principles.

In the swamp of Susqueda, located in the province of Girona, the young woman warned that "the fishing rod is a weapon to kill" and that the fish has "rights". "It's not because they do not create cities, technologies or do not talk like us, but they do not have the right, as individuals, to live on this planet, because it's not ours, "Fanny said.

After interviewing women who do not practice veganism, the head of "Vegan Souls" has asked for a general reflection: "We do not need to eat animals, a taste is worth nothing more than that." a life."

And he condemned: "Learn about veganism, anti-specism, get out of your comfort zone, think about it, check yourself and see, if you're a fisherman, think about what you're doing; and no ego that I love, that's what there is, no, no, bad, put yourself in their place, empathy, justice, respect, that the planet is not yours and that the animals are not yours ".

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A few weeks ago, after a Spanish farmer questioned the ideals of the girls, the two met on television. In the Public Mirror Program of the Antena 3 channel, Juan Carlos showed his farm and emphasized the well-being and tranquility that reigned among his animals.

"They say chickens are scared, they are scared. Here we are the cameraman and I and no one is running. They are healthy, there is no skin: a picture is worth a thousand words, "he said. Of course, Fanny's response was quick: visibly angry at the situation, he replied that "they are healthy to use as a product, which is the only thing that matters."

And when the drivers asked her if she was going to visit Juan Carlos's farm, she did not hesitate to say, "I do not go to the farms, they are a concentration camp."

For now, the head of "Vegan Souls" seems determined to continue his crusade and despite the controversy generated by his videos, his intention is to continue to make noise with his fight.

One activist said she was attacked when she released rabbits on a farm

A vegan activist has denounced the social attacks suffered by farmers during an animal rescue operation. In a video, the young woman named Mine, was shown with a big cut in the face and covered with blood. The violent reaction of the men occurred after she and her collaborators released 16 rabbits that were their property, resulting in the death of 100 children. This happened in the municipality of Gurb, Spain, where the activist and other Spanish, Turkish and Belgian vegans entered a farm and released the animals. Upon discovering them, their owners began to persecute and badault them. "They were extremely aggressive and attacked us by strangling militants and beating their heads with metal poles. The police came and told us to leave peacefully, which we did, "begins the militant's message on her Instagram account, where she calls herself" Mythical Mia. "

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