They condemned the subject who raped her daughter so many times that she developed 2500 personalities | Chronic


Austrian justice sentenced to 45 years in prison Richard Haynes, 74, who has raped her daughter several times, Jenny Haynes, between 4 and 14 years old. Due to the brutality of these abuses, the woman has developed 2,500 personalities in order to face her reality.

According to the decision of the District Court Judge of the City of Sydney, Sarah Hugget, the abuser can only apply for parole in 2050 for crimes committed against his daughter, between 1974 and 1981.

The trial began last March and Jenny testified through her different personalities, in addition to waiving her right to anonymity as a rape victim.

"My father's abuses were planned, calculated and deliberate, he appreciated every minute."badured the woman in court in a shocking statement in May this year. "He heard me begging him to stop, he heard me cry, he saw the pain and terror that was inflicting me, he saw the blood and the physical damage that caused me, and the next day I decided to start all over again, " told

Jenny started being abused by her father at the age of 4.

Upon leaving the trial, Jenny, now 49, told the local media that she no longer wanted to think about her father and her abuser. and pointed out that the judge acknowledged last Friday in the sentence "the need and the importance of ending the case to resume" his life.

Jenny is the second of Haynes' three children and was regularly raped by her father in a violent, sometimes tortured manner, while living in Sydney. The case is considered as one of the worst child abuse which has existed in this country.

Jenny, with his father and his brothers.

In order to keep these ongoing badual violence secret, the man threatened to kill his mother or siblings and to exert psychological violence that triggered a dissociative identity disorder whereby the victim has developed about 2,500 personalities.

This is a tactic that can develop child victims of psychological trauma experienced before the age of 8 years. The "alter ego" from Jenny include, among others, a 4-year-old girl, called Symphony; an 11 year old boy named Judas; and a teenager called Muscles.

READ ALSO: Her father has raped her so many times that 2500 personalities have been created to survive

This is Symphony that allowed Haynes to plead guilty to 25 child badual abuse crimes, "could not drive" what your daughter has told with Symphony "explicit and heartbreaking details"Jenny said during a program interview 60 minutes from Australia


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