Alberto returned from Europe: "Everything was useful and valuable for Argentina" | Chronic


Upon his arrival in Buenos Aires after his trip to Europe, the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, said Monday that they were "very useful and very valuable for Argentina" the meetings he had with the President of the Spanish Government in office, Pedro Sanchez, With the Prime Minister of Portugal, Antonio Costaand with entrepreneurs.

"I found in Sanchez and Costa people who think very much like what we think"Fernandez briefly summarized the statements made to the press this morning around 7 am in Ezeiza.

I met Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, to discuss his country's experience in debt relief and the situation in Argentina. We agreed to work with Spain to finalize a Mercosur-EU agreement beneficial for all.

– Alberto Fernández (@alferdez)
September 6, 2019

He said that the issue of refinancing debt "was present" in meetings because that's "a problem of Argentina"although he did not provide details.

On the other hand, he defined his journey as "very positive" to consider that the European Union is a region "It is very important that Argentina finds a stable partner". "Everything was very useful and very valuable for Argentina", summarizes the candidate of Frente de Todos.

With the Spanish Sánchez and the Portuguese Costa, he said, they managed to understand each other "very well"because they have "a common thought and a similar worldview".

I met @sanchezcastejon, President of the Spanish Government, with whom we share the same vision on the need to progress in a deeper integration of the two countries at the commercial and cultural levels. Thank you Pedro for so much affection and commitment.

– Alberto Fernández (@alferdez)
September 5, 2019

Fernandez denied being "so beautiful" as if to say that the forehead of everything represents "the solution for the Argentineans"although he believes it, he admitted.

Asked about your contacts with Mauricio MacriFernandez said that he speaks "only when the president" he calls her, and says that he's talking now "since a while".

READ ALSO: The next steps of Alberto Fernández after the tour

He stressed that the Front's proposal of all "This is not going back to the past" but "badume what was good in this experience and see how we face the future together".


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