Donald Trump warns of the arrival of "bad people" after Hurricane Dorian


President Donald Trump he said that United States should be "very careful" in allowing people to enter bahamas moved by the hurricane Dorian, and there could be "very bad people", including gang members and drug traffickers.

"We have to be very careful. Everyone needs proper documentation, "Trump told reporters Monday, at the request of US authorities, asking for visas for those affected by the storm.

He added: "I do not want to allow people who should not be in the Bahamas to enter the United States, including very bad people, and very bad gang members, and very, very bad drug traffickers. We will be very very strong in this area. "

The large number of deaths in the Bahamas forces its embalming

Trump's comments came shortly after his acting Commissioner for Customs and Border Protection, Mark MorganI said that it was a good idea to grant a temporary protection status in the Bahamas by rebuilding Dorian. Morgan addressed the issue after learning that some people had been landed from a boat leaving the Bahamas because they did not have the required visa.

"If your life is in danger and you are in the Bahamas and you want to reach the United States, you will be allowed to come to the United States, whether or not you have travel documents," Morgan said.

Morgan said that in any case, people would be the subject of an investigation. Anyone considered a threat would be delivered to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department.. When asked if they would be sent back to the Bahamas, he replied, "Of course not."

But Trump said large parts of the Bahamas had not been damaged by the storm. "And what we are doing is taking people to those areas of the Bahamas that have not been beaten," he said. "We'll see what happens."



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