Natalia, one of the girls from José Manuel De La Sota, invited via his Twitter account to a mbad that will take place in a week in the cathedral of Cordoba"It's been a year since my father left. One year also, enormous demonstrations of affection that made me understand better what it was, what it is and what José Manuel de la Sota will be for the inhabitants of Cordova. I would like them to be with me and my family that day.
Alberto Fernández will participate in this tribute to the former governor of Córdoba, confirmed Discover leaders of the Front of all. When talking about his relationship with Córdoba, the presidential runner-up admitted to being a friend and playing alongside De la Sota.
On the same Thursday evening, after the invitation of Natalia de la Sota to the memory of her father, the governor Juan Schiaretti gathered about 200 leaders, legislators and candidates for positions of national deputies of the provincial front that we organize for Córdoba. stages of the campaign; He told them: "Taking advantage of the fact that we were all together, I summoned them for the mbad birthday requested by the family of our partner José Manuel de la Sota, the highest leader who gave our political strength. It will be Sunday, September 15 at the cathedral ".
However, Alberto Fernández and Sergio Mbada, architects of the meeting held in their offices on August 24th between Natalia and Alberto, were the first to hear about Mbad from the mouth of De La Sota's own daughter. "José was an excellent teacher for me. He taught me, challenged me, guided me. And he was generous in sharing his experiences, his teachings and as a companion, "said Mbada Discover. The leader of the Renovation Front was the first national chief to confirm his presence at Cordoba Cathedral on Sunday afternoon.
Macri went to Córdoba and Juan Schiaretti committed the fault
In addition to Alberto Fernández and Sergio Mbada, the leader of the Evita movement and the Alberta operator Fernando "Chino" Navarro will participate in the Sunday Mbad. Felipe Solá, the governor of Tucuman, Juan Manzur, and the elected governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti.
Taking advantage of his arrival in Córdoba to pay tribute to De la Sota, Alberto Fernández will remain in this province until the following Tuesday. On Monday 16th, he will meet Governor Schiaretti, then travel to the east of Cordoba: Arroyito and San Francisco are the most important cities he will visit, where he will meet producers and businessmen.
On Tuesday, Alberto Fernández will go north, where he will visit the city of Cruz del Eje. Eduardo Fernández, candidate for the position of first national deputy and owner of the Frente de Todos campaign in the province of Cordoba, stressed that "in all the places we go, whether in the poor north or in the south-east rich, the crisis strikes more or less. People do not reach October, inflation, the exchange rate affects the employee and the retired, which is the weakest link in the chain, but also affects small producers, small traders, small entrepreneurs.
In the campaign for PASO, Alberto Fernández went to Córdoba four times. He will travel twice to the presidential election on October 27th, in addition to the visit that he will be performing from Sunday 15th to Tuesday 17th.
On 11 August in Cordoba, the main stronghold of the macrista, the conservative alliance Together for Change won 48% of the vote against 30% of the Todos Front. After the devaluation and the exchange rate of recent weeks, Alberto Fernández has managed to increase this percentage and, in the case of the Alberta government, he hopes to get 36% of the votes of Cristina Fernández when he re-elected in 2011.
* Gustavo Molina is a correspondent of El Destape in Córdoba.
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