Despite the ban and the risks, the electronic cigarette is more and more sold in Mendoza


Smoking addiction remains one of the main causes of respiratory diseases, but for several years and with increasing popularity, the preference of smokers turned to electronic cigarettes, also known as E-Cigarette or vapors

Mendoza has not been the exception despite the ban on the National Association of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (Anmat) published in 2011 and ratified in 2016 (PDF at the end of the note) and deaths related to the use of these devices is happening in the United States.

The deaths of electronic cigarette smokers trigger alarms around the world and the Argentinian Association of Respiratory Medicine (AAMR) is again pronounced against these devices, because "represent a threat to respiratory health and allow the inhalation of other substances that add potential toxicities. "

Some of the devices offered in Mendoza

The conglomerate of professionals dedicated to the health of the airways in our country, besides Anmat and the relevant authorities have been invited to be "energetic in the face of the current ban on sales" and advertising these products ", which seems far from happening.

In our province electronic cigarettes or vapers they are extremely easy to obtain, either via the Internet or from several stores that offer them in the center of Mendoza. MDZ He visited these places and, in most cases, he ran into an unclear panorama of those who market them and in any case, they preferred to remain anonymous.

"The myth has always been about it. I do not know if there are really studies because there should be people who have been smoking for 10 or 15 years and check if it really hurts or develops a pathology ", expressed the seller of one of the local after being consulted on the risks of these devices.

locals also offer a variety of essences

Most users project on the use of vaper an instance before leavingbut the specialists exclude that this really happens. "The vaper includes less harmful, in addition there are species that come without nicotine, just with a little flavor. People are asking for it a lot, usually those who they want to quit. They start smoking with six milligrams of nicotine until they reach zero, "they said at the first place of consultation.

In a traditional San Martín Street Gallery there is at least two stores selling electronic cigarettes and many essences with different flavors for loading, since the device transforms, by heat, these essences into steam which will then be inhaled.

"Many young boys come looking for him like a fad and a lot parents of very smokers with the intention of buying it for that person to start quittingbut the reality is that most of companies do not have good information to guide people and buy a legitimate team ", the seller of one of the stores consulted during the trip of purchase is trusted.

sellers in Mendoza say that they ignore the ban of Anmat

"Very probably, for downtown businesses people come up against teams of trout or clones who work for a while or who do not have the life of an original team. I vape and I can advise people differently and I think this service is what is missing here in Mendoza ", the widened girl.

Asked about the prohibition of Anmat who weighs on these devices, He leaned toward widespread ignorance of the rules only by the conscious decision to transgress measurement. "Here, many people do not know this prohibition. In Buenos Aires, things have happened in this regard and the people on the ground have taken the corresponding steps. "

"I believe that the vaper is healthier than the traditional cigarette because you can start with some nicotine and then reduce it to vapot a essence without nicotine. In the beginning it is recommended to start with something of nicotine to control anxiety and not fall into the cigarette. For me, this is very beneficial, "concluded the seller and user of Vaper.

More on this topic

The tour in search of the panorama of the actual knowledge and consumption of electronic cigarettes in our province has reached one of the most traditional tobaccos in the city. Over there the owner He was quite experienced on the subject, he confessed to vape and pondered the modality smoke well above industrial or armed cigarettes.

"Cases of death related to vapors in the USA they can become like that, but we do not say that there or in Europe most of people use cannabis oil to vape and oil This is not for this purpose because it's toxic. We have species of "Glycerin propylene glycol" which are for consumption but if the vaper is used with oil or is this mixture surely dangerous, "explained the store owner who offers everything for smokers.

"The vaper is less harmful than the cigarette because These substances are a little more natural, since everything we carry in our lungs and other than oxygen goes against our nature. This is a healthier alternative and very effective at stopping smoking, But if I am Mr 'Marlboro', I would not like to be disturbed by the company, "he said, suggesting a possible boycott of the device. by the big tobacco companies.

More on this topic

"Right here In Mendoza, I do not know anyone who died for being swept away. Me I'm thinking back of all this limitation to vaper there are the big tobacco companies whose pockets are affected because, for example, more and more people are smoking armored cigarettes at the expense of industrialists and I would not be surprised if they are now looking for something that could hurt the armies "keep on going.

As the protagonist of the previous testimony, the owner of this place also the vaper user has confessed proudly. "I've always smoked and three years ago, I just dressed and the truth is that I feel much better than when I smoked cigarettes. That has changed me and I think that is the trend", He concluded, while He turned to the ignorance of the prohibition of Anmat market these devices.

Anmat and AAMR documents on electronic cigarettes


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