He has a rare disease on his skin and has received millions of letters of support.


Rhys Williams, a 13-year-old boy from Bolton, UK, faces constant pain daily against a rare skin disease that limits the quality of life.

This condition, called severe dystrophic epidermolysis bullosaIt has no cure and is characterized by fragile skin with blisters and rather painful sores.

For Rhys, everything blow or to scratchAs minimal as it may be, it may mean that your skin and part of your internal tissues are swollen, with painful consequences.

How does Rhys live

Day after day is not easy. Moves in Wheelchairhis skin having lost elasticity at the back of his knees preventing him from straightening his legs. In addition, to avoid further injury, he uses bandages all over his body, which must be changed three times a day to avoid becoming infected. If this is not difficult enough for a boy of his age, Rhys must be fed through a tube because solid foods can cause blisters in the esophagus.

Rhys has to live with special bandages that have to be changed three times a day (Photo: Facebook / Tanya Williams).
Rhys has to live with special bandages that have to be changed three times a day (Photo: Facebook / Tanya Williams).

The most dramatic moment for the family was when, after so much suffering, Rhys told her mother that "I had lived enough"After that, his mother, Tanya Williams, He decided to place a desperate order on social networks so that anyone would like to send his son a greeting card for his birthday with the intention of giving him a little hope and joy.

Impact and international solidarity

In a few days, history has traveled the world and Rhys has received more than 10 thousand letters and parcels by mail with greetings and gifts of all kinds.

"Rhys could not erase the smile from his face"The mother relieved and grateful in her network accounts, after publishing a series of photos with the mountain of mail." Thank you. I just want to say thank you. That's all I can really say for the moment, "he concluded.


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