Chaos in Spain following the floods: six dead


A man was found dead Saturday in a small town in the city of Orihuela, Alicante, and the death toll rises to six due to floods affecting a broad band of southeastern Spain. Spain, a meteorological episode known as the "cold drop" that still remains in the region.

The body was found by the Civil Guard and the Special Operations Command (MOE), in addition to the participation of divers and a helicopter, as reported by the Spanish Civil Guard, as reported today by the agency EFE.

It is the sixth death in Spain because of the rainy season and the second in the Valencian community, which adds to that of a 58 year old neighbor of Redován, found dead yesterday in the area known as Virgen del Orihuela cure.

To these two dead, we must add the victims found in Baza (Granada), Almería and two brothers in Caudete (Albacete).

According to official sources, the interim record of severe floods in much of south-eastern Spain has been compromised by communications cuts and significant damage to infrastructure and crops.

Temporary in Spain. He left several dead and caused damage (AP).

Unprecedented rains in some areas, with more than 400 liters per square meter in 48 hours, caused overflows of rivers and water trails from Thursday, causing the collapse of vast areas of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Almería, Granada and Albacete. .

In addition, more than 80 national and secondary roads are cut and some 700,000 students are out of school in Valencia alone.

Closed airports

At the same time, the airports of Almeria and Murcia were closed and those of Barcelona and Palma were also temporarily badigned, as in several ports of the region.

Authorities in the Murcia region have urged the population not to travel by car because the situation is "dramatic", according to the president of the region, Fernando López Miras.

In addition, the president of the Valencia region, Ximo Puig, warned yesterday that the economic impact of this phenomenon "will be very hard".


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