Heartbreaking video: dolphins "kiss" before being captured by hunters | Chronic


The non-profit organization Dolphin Project has aired shocking images in which one sees a group of dolphins hugging each other shortly before being slaughtered. The video was shot on the shores of the Japanese city of Taiji, where dolphin hunting is practiced regularly, despite international criticism and pressure from animal rights groups.

"It was a tragic start to the dolphin hunting season here in Taiji, the month is not over and we have already witnessed brutal killings and harrowing shots."Activists wrote on their blog.

According to the organization, this herd of pilot whales (one of the largest species of oceanic dolphins) would have been hunted down "without mercy" for hours by some fishermen, before being moved to shallow waters.

"Once the nets were dropped and their fate was sealed, they swam in a closed circle, always touching each other, and their beautiful matriarch could swim around her, still rubbing against the his family."said Dolphin Project.

The hunters left the dolphin family alone at night, without food or shelter, and returned the next morning, just after dawn. Pilot whales were always very close to each other "trying to understand what was going on"but then they started to separate.

Observers reported that eight of the animals were taken captive while the rest were slaughtered. "in phases, presumably, because of its size". They also described the details of the mbadacre: "The killing process was long, bloody and noisy, pilot whales fell into the water when they died, and we continued to transmit this horror live, watching their blood flow under the tarpaulins. ".

It is thought that the cetacean group tried to comfort themselves before the hunters ended their lives.

"They seemed to kill three or four copies at a time, so those who were waiting their turn had to swim in bloody waters and witness the slow death of their family.The matriarch was killed and alone, they took her to the butcher shop We could see his body float on the surface as the boat was preparing to remove it. "said the Dolphin project members.


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