Weigh dollar payments of works for other countries – News


Workers who sell their services to other countries and charge them in dollars have begun to charge exaggerated fees, according to sources from different banks.

This novelty, which is of direct concern to people who perform knowledge-based tasks, is part of the national government's desire for exporters to liquidate the country's currencies within five working days.

This measure is part of a larger set of exchange controls aimed at dealing with the value of the dollar and the reserves of the Central Bank.

Banks have begun to inform this group of workers to inform them that their payments are reaching their accounts in Argentine currency.

Previously, the amounts were credited in dollars and it was not necessary to submit documentation.

In an interview with The nationSantiago Justiniano, head of foreign trade at Banco Galicia, explained that those who export services must liquidate their currencies "whatever the amount".

It should be noted that payments in foreign currencies are converted into pesos at the exchange rate prevailing at the bank on the day of collection of services.

Argencon, the entity that groups companies providing knowledge-based services abroad, said it knew that the dollar billing restriction applied to large companies, but ignore that SMEs and the small professionals were included.


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