China raises giant pigs as "polar bears" because of shortage of meat | Chronic


Chinese farms have started raising giant pigs in the face of the African swine fever epidemic, which has caused a serious shortage of meat throughout the region.

According to Bloomberg, the hatcheries bring the animals to a weight of about 500 kilos and it is planned to continue fattening them. Some of these pigs can cost 10,000 yuan (1,273 euros), more than triple the average monthly income of a farmer in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang region, where this practice is already registered.

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The authorities were forced to increase the production of pork in the absence of this food. This is why the idea of ​​raising big pigs is spreading in various parts of the country, which is still the subject of a trade dispute with the United States.

The animals weigh 500 kilos as a "polar bear".

This type of animal is heavier than an average adult polar bear. In contrast, in the northeastern province of Jilin, high prices of pork encourage farmers to raise pigs weighing between 175 and 200 kilograms, which is higher than the usual figure. 125 kilos.

African swine fever is deadly and highly contagious to pigs, but does not affect humans. Since the first outbreak in China was recorded in early August 2018, the virus has spread throughout the country and even to Vietnam.

Swine fever is deadly and highly contagious in pigs.

Throughout China, thousands of pigs have been slaughtered as a precaution. The total hog population has decreased by about 40% in one year, while the shortage has resulted in prices of at least 50%.

Officially, more than one million animals died in China because of the disease. But a local farmer, who has lost 15,000 hogs, believes that figure is lower than the reality. Preventive measures include disinfecting farms and restricting the sale of pork and processed meat, among others. Infected animals are sacrificed.


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