Trump has threatened to wipe out the Turkish economy if it exceeds Syria


"As I have already said, and just to repeat, if Turkey does something that I consider, in my great and incomparable wisdom, as out of reach, I will destroy and completely wipe out the economy of Turkey (as I did before!)"Trump wrote on Twitter.

To integrate

"(Turkey) as well as Europe and other countries (sic) must watch over the captured ISIL soldiers and their families. The United States has done more than anyone, including the 100% capture of the ISIS caliphate, "said the president.

"The time has come for the other inhabitants of the region, some very rich, to protect their own territory. THE UNITED STATES IS GREAT! (sic) ", he finished.

In August of this year the Turkish lira lost 25% of its value against the US dollar because Washington DC has turned the liberation of missionary Andrew Brunson into a diplomatic cause.

Sunday night, Trump announced unexpectedly the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria and explained on Monday that he had decided because "it's time to get out of ridiculous endless wars".

Today, the Turkish government, led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Ankara, could advance Kurdish militias who fought against ISIS in northern Syria.

Erdogan plans to create a "security zone" under Turkish control 32 kilometers from the border with Syria to force the withdrawal of the Kurdish militia YPG, the most powerful force of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS).

The government of Turkey YPG is considered a "terrorist organization" that threatens its national security.

"We can enter (in Syrian territory) suddenly at nightbecause we can not accept the threat posed by terrorist organizations to our country, "Erdogan said, according to the Turkish news portal Hurriyet Daily News.


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