A second informant complicates Donald Trump's situation


The investigation against the President of the United States, Donald Trump, which could lead to the opening of a political trial, added yesterday a second witness claiming to have information on the alleged pressure exerted by the American president on the Ukrainian government to weaken one. Joe Biden, one of his main electoral rivals.

Mark Zaid, the first informant's lawyer who sparked the investigation, announced that he was representing a second intelligence official and had previously testified before the Inspector General.

In an interview with the ABC news network, the lawyer explained that the two informants who came to the office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community are completely protected by law, both for preserve their anonymity and keep their work, Riposter

The second witness, however, has not yet testified before congressional intelligence committees, especially in the House of Representatives, where the Democratic majority has opened an investigation to open a political trial in Trump, barely three months before the beginning of the election year. which will define his reelection next November.


Trump did not officially react to the appearance of a second informant in the investigation, but he redoubled the charges against his possible electoral rival on Twitter.

"It's amazing to see and read the false news and see how they are doing everything in their power to protect the sleepy Joe Biden and his son expelled from the military, Hunter, who receives 100 $ 000 per month (and growing) from a company based in Ukraine. , although he has no experience in the energy sector, "wrote the president.

"And in another case, he received $ 1.5 billion from China, while he had no experience and no apparent reason. Is it possible that these transactions are legitimate? As the lawyer and others have said, as president, I have an obligation to investigate possible or probable bribery cases! ", He added.

Shortly after Zaid's announcement, the other first informant's lawyer, Andrew Bakaj, ensured, via Twitter, that his law firm represented "multiple informants".

This has further fueled the climate of versions and rumors that Washington dominates, the first informant who revealed the scandal has denounced the fact that more than a dozen US officials have relevant information for it. ;investigation.

In the midst of what could be escalating evidence against Trump, some newspaper editions said the president would have held Energy Secretary Rick Perry in charge of the phone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart.

After the first informant denounced Trump's allegedly illegal pressure on his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelenski, the White House itself published a partial transcript of the phone call that allegedly was at the center of the scandal, including many are not yet known. details because the investigation is secret.

This transcript shows how Trump asks Zelenski to investigate opposition leader Biden for an alleged case of corruption, on which he offers no concrete evidence.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 10/7/2019 in our print edition.


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