So lightning strikes a man while walking his dogs | Chronic


A man was struck by lightning while he was walking his three dogs in the Spring City of Texas, in Yankee State, and that moment was captured by a video that went viral.

In the recorded recording by a security camera from a nearby hospital, you can see the moment the subject received a shock and fell ashamed, while his pets, scared by the situation, s & # 39, escape from the place.

After observing what had happened, several neighbors approached him to help him on the asphalt and, although they found him without a pulse, the One of those curious managed to revive him after several minutes.

Here is how was the man after lightning.

Because of the situation, his clothes burned and even left a striking void on the place of impact.

According to the report of the medical center, "suffered very serious injuries", which include, among others, several broken ribs.

His family has launched a campaign to raise about $ 30,000 for the sole purpose of completing his expensive treatments.


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