Will Britain have enough toilet paper after Brexit?


The date of the British departure from European Union is close and although the government Boris Johnson declared that the country could overcome a Brexit without an agreement, a deputy asked him Tuesday guarantee the supply of toilet paper.

Unless London reaches an agreement with the EU in the coming days, Johnson promised that the country would leave the bloc brutally at the end of the month. According to government reports, this would result in a lack of fresh food and medication.

But Welsh Nationalist MP Jonathan Edwards worries about another import product: Tuesday he asked ministers how long would the toilet paper stocks last in case of Brexit without agreement.

The government "will prioritize the flow of goods" in order to "minimize further friction," said Simon Hart, a member of Johnson's firm.

"This is the level of farce we have achieved: the British government can not even guarantee that we have the necessary toilet paper supplies in a brutal BrexitEdwards then moaned in statements to the Press Association press agency.

The executive is ready to throw the economy in the toiletbut now we will not have the paper to clean, "he added.

"Although this revelation lends itself to eschatological humor, it shows the serious injury that a Brexit would do without agreement, even our most basic supplies, "he said.


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