Temporary release of "Maguila" Puccio | Chronic


Daniel "Maguila" Puccio, known to have integrated the clan headed by his father, who had committed kidnappings and homicides in the 1980s, was released on bail by a judge from the state of São Paulo after being detained in Brazil on Sept. 16. for possession of false documents, informed the Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of Brazil.

The interim measure was granted on 30 September by the magistrate Andrea Ribeiro Borges the city of Itú, in the state of San Pablo, for the benefit of Puccio, who must now meet a series of requirements, including the fixing of a domicile and the appearance before the justice of the peace whenever the investigation continues.

READ ALSO: "Maguila" Puccio fell to Brazil with a trout document

According to the record, Puccio (58) was assisted by two lawyers who requested his release, no request for Interpol's capture having been requested against him.

The Secretariat of the Penitentiary Administration of Brazil announced that "Maguila" was released on October 1 at 9:38 am from Itaí Prison, 300 km west of the city of San Pablo, where he had been arrested after being arrested on September 16th with fake Brazilian documents.

That day, Puccio was traveling by bus from Foz de Iguazú, border with Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, to San Pablo, where he had announced his intention to settle.

The capture took place during a drug-related operation conducted by the road police in the city of Itú, where she stopped the march of a bus carrying 14 passengers.

READ ALSO: The brother of the first victim of the Puccio clan broke the silence

According to the portal O & # 39; Globo, Puccio would have been nervous to see the police and handed over a fake document that would have attracted the attention of the troops because the picture was different from that of the system.

When asked, he acknowledged that "bought" in San Pablo "stay longer in Brazil".

As a result of the kidnappings and killings attributed to the gang, "Maguila" was arrested only for two and a half years, from August 1985 to February 1988, when he was released without being condemned.

In 1999, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison only for the kidnapping of Nélida Bollini de Prado (59), the last carried out by the clan, but never filled it because it remained fugitive – apparently by New Zealand and Brazil – and, because of the time elapsed, the cause was finally declared prescribed in 2011.

The clan led by Archimedes was composed of two of his sons, Alejandro, former wing of the San Isidro Athletics Club (CASI) and Los Pumas; Daniel; retired military Rodolfo Franco and his friends Guillermo Fernandez Laborde and Roberto Oscar Díaz.

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The first of the events attributed to this group is the one that had as victim an acquaintance of Alejandro, the rugby club Pueyrredón Ricardo Manoukian (24), kidnapped on July 22, 1982 and shot nine days later, while the victim's family was paying a ransom of $ 250,000.

The second of the cases accredited by the courts was that of Eduardo Aulet (25) Engineer and San Isidro Club (CIS) player captured on May 5, 1983 and killed as soon as they claimed the $ 100,000 paid to release him, although his body was found only four years later.

Then, on June 22, 1984, the businessman Emilio Naum (38), owner of the clothing company Mac Taylor and who knew Archimedes, was shot in the chest while he resisted kidnapping by the clan.

On August 23, 1985, the group was dismantled in an attempt to recover the ransom of businesswoman Bollini de Prado, who was rescued by police from the Puccio home in San Isidro, where she spent 32 days in captivity.

After the arrest of the clan, Alejandro jumped into handcuffs from the fifth floor of the Buenos Aires courts and, although he survived, the injuries made his health difficult while he was serving a sentence. life imprisonment.

After he left on probation in 2007, he died at the age of 49 in 2008, while he was admitted to an Avellaneda health center.

For its part, Archimedes He was sentenced in December 1995 to life imprisonment. Since 2002, he has been placed under house arrest. In 2004, he was sent to a prison in La Pampa, after it was proven that he was leaving his home.

During his detention, he received a lawyer. In 2008, he was put on probation and established in the El Molino district of General Pico, where he died as a result of a stroke.


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