"I'm happy, it can help a lot of people"


The journalist Miguel Ángel "Tití" Fernández He referred to his case, which had served to declare unconstitutional the decree of President Macri on compensation in case of disability and death at work. "I am very happy with this failure because it can benefit many people in difficulty."he assured.

In statements made in Discover the radioTití explained that "because of the death of my daughter, I did not initiate any lawsuit against anyone". In the same sense, he added that "I never wanted to speculate on the death of my daughter. "

On his side, the reporter said that "when we started the labor trial, because I said goodbye, my lawyer told me that we also needed to indicate antiretroviral treatment"And he continued:" I took leave of TyC Sports after the scandal of FIFA. The tournaments started as a family, then they sold parts and you do not know who you are working for. "

"In just 24 years once Carlos Avila he asked permission to enter the meeting led by Paenza and told us that they were going to sign a very advantageous contract with River, "he said. He added:"Avila asked us if we could not criticize River at that time, but if we had to, we would do it."

On the specific case, Fernández insisted that he was "happy" with the decision. "The journalists are labouranteswe are not the owners of the media; those who have the chance to charge, we see it when they pay us, "he said.

Regarding the government, he said: "They privatized football to create 3,000 children's gardens, but they created one and could not even inaugurate it." "I dream of a goodbye game because they took me out the window .I would like a River-Boca to say goodbye, I did not go." to my daughter's communion because I had a super-classic, "he said.


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